

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

As Sweet As Honey

We are often told to concentrate on and rely on the Bible. There are many ways to do this and many pictures that are used to describe God's desire for us to completely know and understand His testimony. However, two of God's prophets are said to have consumed the Word of the Lord literally. Ezekiel was instructed by God to take the scroll before him and eat it. Jeremiah simply found it so enticing he could not resist eating it. In both cases the picture of God's servant actually ingesting the Word of God is powerful. 

I believe that the only picture that synthesizes two separate entities more is that of marriage. Eating something is not just ingesting it and riding oneself of what is left over (I'll leave the rest to your imagination).  There is a plethora of activity that takes place once we have taken food in through our mouths. We begin by digesting the food with acids in the stomach. Then our body absorbs the nutrients that are derived from the specifics types of food. We are nourished, revived, replenished, and even added to as we grow from these elements. And my knowledge of biology can only take us so far, but the microbiology that takes place in the blood system, lymph system, and others is a whole other world! Imagine being able to unite the Word of God to our minds and bodies in such a way.

But we have only one directive in this process just as with eating food and with Ezekiel's task from God. Ezekiel was told (see ch 3) to eat the scroll and wait for God's timing in speaking the words to His people. He is actually allowed to be taken captive in order for God to perfect the audience and timing of the revelation. All Ezekiel had to do was eat and obey; God did the rest! God did the rest! God did the rest!

Eat his word today, wait for his timing in your life, and see if God won't do something awesome as you do!

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