

Friday, December 24, 2010

A Christmas to Remember

For years the materialism that has overtaken one of the world's most important holidays has shaken me to say the least. I understand that Christmas trees and Santa Clauses appear sometime before Thanksgiving to merely line the pockets of advertisers and merchants alike. I know that most of the world sees this time of year as simply a time for celebration of gifts and merriment. Before you think that I am just another cynical Christian ranting about things we should expect from the world, let me say that I enjoy giving and receiving gifts, I enjoy celebrating and merriment. What I don't like is the hijacking of a day that is supposed to be the memorial of the birth of the Savior of the world. I don't like that we forget to appreciate God for His gift to us.
This year, however, I get to put my jealousy for God to the test. I have been without a job for seven months since moving to Arkansas and I have no means to buy gifts for my kids or anyone else. I realized this morning, as I was driving back from the grocery store, that my attitude was poor. I was feeling sorry for my self because I couldn't put presents under the tree. Having a gut check moment, I realized that I was being given the opportunity to prove to myself and my family that I truly believe we should give thanks to God for giving us His Son on Christmas; that's what it is all about. Presents are great if you can buy them, learning that giving is more blessed than receiving is wonderful, and having family around is perfect. But, if all that were gone, it would still be Christmas because Jesus came to earth to become the sacrifice for our sins once for all.
I hope I can put my current financial situation behind me for the next couple of days and truly give thanks to God the way He deserves. A job will come. money will come, this difficult season of my life will be a thing of the past. It is not worth losing sight of the greatest gift ever given to man over temporary problems that God has the answer to anyway!
Merry Christmas!

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